
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Hope




Spelling patterns and rules are taught and practised continuously throughout the school.

Gunness and Burringham C of E Primary School teach spellings daily across year 2 to year 6 building on their prior knowledge of phonics, etymology and spelling rules. Children consolidate their understanding through a range of activities and challenges both in school and at home.


All children have access to SpellingFrame at home and are encouraged to go on at least three times a week to take part in spelling games which reinforce taught spelling rules.


Each week, all classes follow the same structure. 


On Monday, children take part in a spelling check where they practise the spelling rules they have been learning the previous week and are assessed on their understanding.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, children are introduced to new spellings and discuss their phonology and etymology as well as discussing any similarities and spelling rules they notice.


On Thursday and Friday, children explore spelling rules and patterns linked to the spellings they have  been investigating that week.


These spellings are set on SpellingFrame each week where the children can practise them at home and in school through a variety of different interactive games and activities.


Any spellings that the children continue to find difficult are placed into personalised 'tricky word' lists where the children can receive further support.


