
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Compassion


Who we are


Gunness and Burringham C of E Primary School is a highly inclusive Primary School which strives to meet the individual needs of all its learners. We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all of our children. The school's SEND policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early interventions and appropriate support for all of our children is in place to ensure every child reaches their full potential.



Our intent:

At Gunness and Burringham Primary School, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that no child is left behind and that all children thrive through receiving a high-quality and inclusive education regardless of need or disability with a focus on building self-esteem, independence and celebrating every step of progress. 

We build a strong culture of acceptance and understanding of each other’s strengths and challenges.

We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the resources needed to become independent and resilient learners who are able to flourish both in and out of the classroom and are prepared for their future life, giving them the life skills to become Agents of Change


How we implement this:


Through our quality first teaching provision we: 

  • Identify needs early to ensure that opportunities to learn and be part of the school community are maximised.
  • Ensure that all children can actively participate in an inclusive,  broad curriculum with high ambition in all areas.
  • Provide an individual learning environment which specifically meet the needs of individual pupils. 
  • Develop children’s independence, resilience and self-esteem to ensure they are safe and happy.
  • Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a person-centred approach. 
  • Provide good quality, and relevant training for all staff members including support staff.


We work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure consistency of approach and to tap into the latest research and support mechanisms.

At Gunness and Burringham Primary, every child is treated as an individual with specific needs within an inclusive environment. As such, enhanced and tailored learning is incorporated in every aspect of school life supported by senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and ultimately, the child. 

At Gunness and Burringham, pupils with SEND will: 

  • Be included in all aspects of the school community and the opportunities it affords. 
  • Be respected and their contributions valued and steps of progress acknowledged.

At Gunness and Burringham Primary, pupils with SEND may: 

  • Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their learning. This may be an alternative provision to enhance self-esteem.
  • Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as counselling with a trained member of staff, turn-taking activities.
  • Have additional support from the Early Help system.
  • Receive additional support with their speech and language development from a trained teaching assistant in conjunction with SALT.
  • Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, ASET, Behaviour Support to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.


Visual aids for learning Inc. number stack/practical resources

Scaffold using pictorial representation and key mathematical language

Modelling to the children (WAGOLL)

Small steps tracker 

Small group work and pupil conference

Same objective but supported via staff or adaptive tasks to meet objective


Word mats to support use of unfamiliar vocabulary

Use of SIRI to support spellings with children with SEND

R,W , Inc interventions for all children regardless of key stage

Visual stress overlays for reading support

Scaffolding, writing frames and scribing to illustrate learning

Pencil grips and OT support 

Interventions for reading/writing

Handwriting guides

Foundation Subjects: 

Support practical learning through experiences, school visits and resources

Support reading and writing through adaptations and scaffolding/writing frames

Offers visual stimuli to replace text only learning

Use of reading apps to support reading texts

Using appropriate assessment points so that practical success is acknowledged.

The impact:


Children and parents at our school say they feel happy, safe and ready to learn. “The school have gone above and beyond to get help and support both me and my child. I am very grateful.” “I feel that school supports my child and his needs really well. He is very happy and thriving.”

“I feel like I am getting good in my subjects. I am whizzing through work now.” “I am getting more green.”

Inclusivity and acceptance of others is evident. This can be seen through the support and guidance that our children give to one another.  Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their knowledge, independence, confidence, speaking, listening and social skills. Data shows children with SEND make good progress from their starting points due to the use of support resources and small group intervention which meet the needs of individual pupils. 

On leaving our school, children with SEND have developed excellent life skills and have a high sense of self-esteem. This can be seen through pupil voice. They develop wisdom, resilience and have full access to a broad inclusive curriculum. “I feel my child is supported to take part in all activities. We always have plenty of notice for clubs to give chance to access early intervention if needed.”

The fundamentals 

  • Celebrate small steps of success with a focus on high self-esteem
  • Person-centred approach fully incorporated so that parents, children, external agencies and the school can work as one team to succeed
  • Have high ambition for all children – in all aspects of the curriculum and wider school life to ensure children thrive
  • Promote continuous and directed CPD for all staff to enable a whole-school approach to supporting SEND children
  • Early identification of needs to ensure gaps are addressed or external support is requested in a timely manner 
  • Provide children with a bespoke experience including access to alternative provision within school

What We Offer

At Gunness and Burringham C of E Primary School, SEND funding is spent on the following:

  • A qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinator 
  • 2 part-time Teaching Assistants
  • Specialised resources and support materials


Named Contact

The school SENCO is Miss Haworth. Miss Haworth can be contacted via the school office. If you have any concerns, please contact your child's teacher, Miss Haworth (the SENCO) or Mrs Sowerby (the Headteacher).

Appointments can be made through the school office: 01724 872460



Please contact the SENCO, Miss Haworth. If you are still unhappy, please contact the Headteacher (Mrs Sowerby). Following this, if you are still unhappy, please get in touch with our Chair of Governors.


Policies Linked SEND

The school has an allocated SENCO, Miss Haworth, who is responsible for the co-ordination of provision for children with SEND and SEND leadership.

If you would like to talk to the SENCO, please contact the school office to make an appointment. The SENCO is part of the SLT and works closely with the Headteacher to ensure that the most effective provision is put in place to support children with SEND.


The following policies are available and reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion, safety and well-being of children:

  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
  • Accessibility Plan
  • Safeguarding/ Child Protection policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Teaching and Learning policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Health and Safety Policies

(See the Policies section on the website for these documents or contact the school office if you would like to request a copy.)


Types of SEND

We support a range of children with Special Educational Needs across our mainstream school. Children’s individual needs are organised into the following areas:


  1. Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
  2. Cognition and Learning Needs
  3. Physical and Medical Needs
  4. Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs


Identifying Children with SEND

Every child has the right to access Quality First Teaching. Where children are finding things difficult, a teacher will take steps to provide differentiated learning opportunities that will aid the pupil’s progression. Teachers will use assessments to identify where children are finding things difficult and will also discuss where necessary with the child. In some cases, there may also be a change in behaviour in the child. Discussions will also be had with parents to identify if they have any concerns. By investigating all of these areas, the class teacher will be able to identify if the child has a specific need (where further differentiation and support outside of the lesson is needed) or whether they have some milder learning difficulties which can be met through differentiation.  In cases where the child needs further additional support, The SENCo will be consulted for support and advice and may wish to observe the pupil in class. It will then be determined which level of provision the child will need to move forward with their learning.  Pupil progress meetings are used to monitor and assess the progress being made by the child.


Parents will be informed fully of every stage of their child’s development and the circumstances under which they are being monitored. They are encouraged to share information and knowledge with the school. The child is formally recorded by the school as being under observation due to concern by parent or teacher but this does not place the child on the SEND register. Parents are given this information. It is recorded by the school as an aid to further progression and for future reference.


When a child is not making the expected progress, the teacher and SENCO will investigate this further to identify whether:

  1. the child is working below expectations and therefore requires some short-term support to help them meet age related expectations, or
  2. the child is working well below expectations and requires further, more long-term intervention to support them with their learning.


If the concerns are primarily linked to a) it is likely that the child does not have a special educational need, and that instead they require some additional resources or small group work over a short period of time, to help them make the expected progress. These children will not be added to the SEND register, but will continue to be monitored by the class teacher.


If the concerns are primarily linked to b) and the child is still struggling to make progress despite high quality, evidence-based interventions, the child may be identified as having SEND. A child has an SEND if their needs cannot be met through Quality First Teaching, Quality First Teaching with in class differentiation or through high quality interventions. This means that they require extra and additional support than that available in the lesson in order to help them make progress. There is a specific next step process used to support these children on their learning journey, which enables them to monitored, and their progress and needs to be measured in the most effective way. If a child is seen to have SEND, they will be added to the school SEND register, their prime area of need will be identified, and parents will be informed. There are 3 types of intervention:


Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching (universal provision for all children in the class, with differentiation where necessary).


Wave 2:

either – When a child is given additional intervention on top of Quality First Teaching and differentiation, provided for by the class teacher and SENCO.

or When a child is supported by professionals e.g Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), The Autism Team (STARS), Educational Psychologist (EP) etc.


Wave 3: Where a child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and specific and an individualised and specific programme of support has been written for the child by a range of professionals.


Our Approach to Teaching SEND Pupils

All provision for SEND pupils is overseen and managed by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and is co-ordinated by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (Miss Haworth) who is a member of the SLT. The SLT monitor, review and evaluate all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year and report to the school governing body on how individual needs are being met and how SEND funding from the local authority is being spent. Individual families are able to access clear information about how funding is used to support individual learners. The governing body will be responsible for the well-being and achievement of all children.


How Children are Included

Interventions (Pupil Passports)

  • Each pupil’s Passport will be drawn up by the class teacher and parents. It will be differentiated accordingly to suit the pupil’s individual needs, setting individual targets. A copy of the targets will be given to parents once they have been agreed. This may include additional general support by the teacher or teaching assistant in class or use of particular resources (e.g. a writing slope, a pencil grip, visuals etc).
  • If a pupil has needs related to more specific areas of their education or social skills, such as spelling, handwriting, numeracy and literacy skills, the pupil may be placed in a small focus group or receive one-to-one intervention. This will be run by the class teacher or teaching assistant. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to need but will be reviewed regularly to assess effectiveness, impact and the progress made by the child. The interventions will be regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. These interventions will be recorded on a provision map (for each class). This is a record of the interventions, timings of the intervention. The impact of the intervention is recorded on a half termly basis by using teacher assessments and discussions with the SLT, Headteacher and SENCO at Pupil Progress Meetings. This shared discussion may highlight any potential problems in order for further support to be planned. If you have any queries related to the interventions, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or SENCO.
  • Occasionally a pupil may need more expert support from an outside agency such as Speech and Language Therapist. Referral forms are then completed by the SENCO in conjunction with parents/carers and forwarded to the most appropriate agency. After a series of assessments, a programme of support is usually provided to the school and parents/carers and the school will then follow the recommendations made.

Parent voice - "The passports are easy to follow and appropriate for my child."


Matching the curriculum to the child’s individual needs

  • Teachers plan from children’s levels differentiating work to closely match children’s ability and learning needs. When a pupil has been identified with SEND, their work will be further differentiated by the class teacher to remove barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily.
  • A teaching assistant may be allocated to work with the pupil in a 1- 1 or small focus group to target more specific needs.
  • If appropriate specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, pen/pencil grips,  easy to use scissors etc.
  • A range of interventions (support programmes) will be used in small groups or 1- 1 situations to accelerate progress.
  • Where needed, there will be extra pastoral support arrangements to aid the social, emotional and behavioural development of children with SEND such as Nurture Groups, which include measures to prevent bullying.


Communicating with parents

  • You will be able to discuss your child’s progress at Parents Evenings.
  • Class teachers are regularly at the classroom door or on the playground, or at the school gate at the end of the day, if you wish to raise a concern. Appointments can be made to speak in more detail to the class teacher or SENCO  by visiting or contacting the school office.
  • Pupil Passports are reviewed and sent home each term. Targets are usually set by the class teacher. Parents/Carers are encouraged to contribute their input, which will be included on the Pupil Passport.
  • Termly reviews with the class teacher and SENCO, where necessary. Parents are encouraged to comment on their child’s Pupil Passport with possible suggestions that could be incorporated.
  • Discussions with the class teacher.
  • Parent evenings during the Autumn and Spring Term.
  • Discussions with Miss Haworth, SENCO, or other professionals.

Parent Voice:

"The school have gone above and beyond to get help and support for both me and my child. I am very grateful."

"I strongly agree that the SENDCO is approachable and friendly-I feel I can approach them about issues my child is having."

"I feel that school supports my child and his needs really well. He is happy and thriving."


Helping parents to support children

  • Teachers suggest ways of supporting all children’s learning through messages and on the website. The class teacher may suggest additional ways of supporting your child’s learning through a note in the reading contact book, at parent’s evening or by arranging a meeting with you.
  • Outside agencies or the Educational Psychologist may suggest advice or programmes of study that can be used at home.


Supporting children’s social, emotional and mental health and overall well-being

The school offers a variety of pastoral support for pupils who are encountering emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.

These include:

  • Members of staff such as the class teacher, teaching assistants and SENCO are readily available for pupils who wish to discuss issues and concerns.
  • The School's business manager also works with groups of children and individuals to focus on specific needs.
  • Teaching Assistants carry out regular interventions to support children with their social, emotional and mental health.


Supporting children’s medical needs

  • If a pupil has a medical need then a detailed Health Care Plan is compiled by Miss Haworth in consultation with parents/carers. These are discussed with all staff who are involved with the pupil.
  • Where necessary, and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines are administered in school where a signed Health Care Plan is in place. Anti-biotics may be given in some circumstances on discussion with the office staff and on completing of a medication form.


Including children with SEND on school trips

Activities and school trips are available to all.   Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate. If a health and safety risk assessment suggests that an intensive level of 1:1 support is required a parent or carer may volunteer to accompany their child during the activity in addition to the usual school staff.

"I feel my child is supported to take part in all activities."

"We always have plenty of notice for clubs to give chance to access early intervention if needed."


Ensuring provision and inclusion for all

We welcome all children at Gunness and Burringham Primary School and will take reasonable steps to ensure that we can meet your child’s needs. If your child has an EHCP, a consultation will be held to identify whether we have the facilities required and whether we feel your child’s needs can be met in our school. If your child does not have an EHCP, we will make sure that we have open conversations with parents, carers and professionals who work with your child to ensure that we fully understand what facilities are required to meet their individual needs. This enables us to identify if we are able to provide the right environment for your child and the reasonable adjustments that will need to be made in school to meet their individual needs.


As a school we are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Facilities we have at present include:

  • All doors are wheelchair accessible. 
  • Toilets adapted for disabled users.
  • Double doors
  • Sensory Room


Steps taken to ensure we are an inclusive school

Gunness and Burringham pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. We have children with a range of learning, communication, physical, medical, sensory, social and emotional needs across our school community. Every child plays an important role. Every child is treated with respect. Every child has a voice. Every child is welcomed. Here are some of the ways we ensure that our disabled pupils are treated equally:

  • All children are included in after school clubs.
  • All children are included in sporting events.
  • Work is differentiated to meet every child’s needs, however we also encourage children to challenge themselves.
  • Members of staff build positive relationships with every child, making sure that they know the individual needs of their pupils and how to support them. They provide their pupils with the best resources to help them achieve their learning goals and listen to them.

Over 70% of SEND children participated in extra-curricular clubs last term!


Our Accessibility Policy

We have an up-to date-Accessibility Policy (copy on Website).


Matching resources to meet SEND.

The SEND budget is allocated each financial year. The money is used to provide additional support or resources dependent on an individual’s needs. The additional provision may be allocated after discussion with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings or if a concern has been raised by them at another time during the year. Further support or resources may be allocated to your child following assessments by school staff or outside agencies (e.g. children’s therapy teams). Funding may be used to buy in specialist support. 


Assessing and Reviewing Progress

We use The Graduated Response process to support our children with SEND – Assess, Plan, Do, Review, which is identified in the SEND Code of Practice 2014/2015. This process is a cycle so it is continuous throughout a child’s time in our school, whilst they remain on our SEND register. Parents and children are involved in this process. If a class teacher has concerns about a child’s progress, they will first speak to parents to identify any concerns and also talk to the child about their learning. This information will then be given to the SENCO who will then support the class teacher with the Graduated Response process.

Stage 1 – Assess

We use a variety of school-based assessment approaches depending on the area of need.


For speech, language and communication concerns – First we will use some assessment tools to support us in assessing where the child is currently working within this area. We will then arrange for the child to be assessed by an NHS Speech and Language Therapist, to help us identify specific areas of need for the individual child.


For cognition and learning concerns – We use a range of assessment types in school depending on the year group of the child.

  • Initial baseline assessments linked to individual profiles
  • Early Year Foundation Stage Profile
  • TA Assessment or SATS levels
  • Ongoing Teacher Assessments
  • Progress towards end of year targets
  • End of Year Teacher Assessments
  • Year 2 and Year 6  – SATs
  • In some cases, specific assessments might be recommended for individual pupils who show more specific concerns.


For physical and medical concerns – The child will often have a specific team of professionals involved who will identify specific assessments if necessary and, in some cases, carry out these assessments themselves, letting us know the results once they have been completed.


For social, emotional and mental health concerns – These children are assessed using observations in the classroom, at playtimes and lunchtimes, through discussions with the class teacher, parents and the child, using informal assessment programmes such as the Boxhall Profile.

These assessments help teachers and the SENCO to identify some clear next steps for supporting the child.


Stage 2 – Plan

Once the assessments have been completed and it has been identified that the child has a SEND, the teacher works with the support of the SENCO to plan how the child’s individual needs will be met. This plan will focus on supporting the child in achieving the best outcomes, through the implementation of the most effective provision. The teacher will identify SMART targets which the child needs to work on over an agreed amount of time to help them make expected levels of progress. These targets will be written onto a Pupil Passport. 

For each target, specific provision and resources will be identified along with information about how the intervention will be delivered etc. The SENCO is responsible for supporting the teacher in identifying the best provision and resources for the child. IEPS will be written for all children on the SEND register.

Where a child has been assessed by a professional, it is likely that they will create the SMART targets for the child and identify the provision and resources which need to be put in place. There may be some children on the SEND register with SEMH needs who require a more detailed plan which works in a more systematic way throughout each SEMH incident. These Passports will set out the behaviour expected for the child, written with involvement of the child and the consequences if the right behaviour is not followed. These will be reviewed on a termly basis, but may be adjusted accordingly if the need arises. Once the class teacher has identified the targets and provision for each child in their class on the SEND register, they will create a class Provision Map which identifies the programmes of support that will be offered in their class to meet the needs of children with special educational needs. Copies of Pupil Passports will be shared with parents and children, and feedback is invited, to ensure that they continue to be part of the support process.


Stage 3 – Do

The class teacher will ensure that the provision identified on a child’s Passport is put in place. As the interventions continue, teachers will record the child’s individual progress and monitor how the intervention is having an impact on their learning across the curriculum. The teacher may find, during the intervention, that adjustments need to be made to help the child make further progress. During the intervention programmes, the SENCO will monitor sessions to help evaluate the effectiveness of the support being given. This is an important part of the process. There may be some small adjustments that need to be made as the intervention is being carried out. Equally, it may become clear that the intervention is not working for the child and that there are more significant needs that must be addressed before continuing the programme.


Stage 4 – Review

At the end of the intervention programme, the class teacher will review the progress that the child has made.

If the child has made progress, the class teacher will identify (using recent assessments alongside teacher assessments) what the next steps are for their child and the cycle will continue.

If the child has not made progress, the SENCO will look at the following things:

  • Has the intervention been carried out at the most effective time?
  • Has the person who has delivered the intervention received the necessary training to carry out the work?
  • Has the child and the adult created the most effective relationship to allow the child to feel comfortable during the intervention?
  • Has the intervention been at the correct level for the child?
  • Have the most effective resources been used to support this intervention?
  • Does the child need to be referred to professionals for further support?


Depending on the outcome, adjustments may be made to the provision, or a referral might be made to professionals. The school will make every effort to ensure that advice from the external agencies is put into practice as swiftly as possible and will keep in regular contact with support services and parents regarding progress and targets met. Once the referral is made and the child is seen by the professionals, targets will be identified and the Graduated Response process can continue (Assess, Plan, Do, Review).

Our graduated response is being continually reviewed in light of the Code of Practice and advice from the North Lincolnshire SEND Team.


Children with EHCPs

In a very few cases, if a child continues to demonstrate significant cause for concern despite interventions, a request may be made to the LA for Statutory Assessment towards an Education Health Care Plan. This will decide the nature of the provision necessary to meet the child’s SEND. If this cannot reasonably be met by the school, then the LA may provide extra resources.


The application for a statement will combine information from a variety of sources including:

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Health professionals


Information will be gathered relating to the current provision provided, action points that have been taken, and the preliminary outcomes of targets set. Parents have the right to appeal against a decision either for or against a statement or Education Health Care Plan of SEND for their child.


If after a statutory assessment the LA deems the needs of a child to be severe and complex, they may issue an Education Health Care Plan. If a child does not have an Education Health Care Plan, it does not mean that they will fail to receive the necessary support.


The Education Health Care Plan will include reports and targets set by professionals involved with the child, along with information from parents, the child and school (class teacher and SENCO). It is a legal document. Once the Education Health Care Plan is written it will be kept as part of the pupil’s formal record and reviewed annually by staff, parents and the pupil. The annual review enables provision for the pupil to be evaluated and, where appropriate, for changes to be put in place, for example, reducing or increasing levels of support. Professionals, parents, the child, the class teacher and the SENCO are invited to the Annual Review along with a representative from the Local Authority.



Strategies are in place to enable the pupil’s transition to be as smooth as possible. These include:

  • On entry- A planned programme of visits in the summer term for pupils starting in September including “play and stay” visits with parents/carers, visits with Nursery key workers and a visit to their new class without the parent or carer.
  • Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school so that they know what to expect and are encouraged to share any concerns with the school.
  • Our Foundation Stage Leader, Miss Harrison, visits all the children in their pre-school setting. Where concerns are raised, Miss Haworth (SENCO) may visit the setting and a meeting with parents to discuss any issues may be arranged. 
  • Class teachers make a home visit in the Summer Term, prior to children starting, with an additional opportunity for children to visit the school with their parent/carer.
  • Transition to the next year group- Although not officially leaving the school, moving from one year group to the next can be unsettling for some children. We therefore prepare children for this change by providing opportunities within the last few weeks of the summer term of the children to visit their new classrooms with their new class teacher and Teaching Assistant.   The children also attend play times on their new playground for a week in the summer term, if there is a change involved. Information sharing sessions between the class teachers also happens. The class teacher is always willing to meet parents/carers prior to the child moving to their class.
  • Secondary Transition- Secondary school staff visit pupils prior to them joining their new school. Miss Haworth (SENCO) meets the SENCOs from the secondary schools to pass on information regarding SEND pupils. Children attend transition days particular to the school they are going to. Opportunities to work with local secondary schools are actively encouraged so that children are familiar with them.
  • Transition within the year- Currently we give all children a tour of the school with their parent/carer. Children are introduced to their new teacher and shown around their new classroom environment. A start date is agreed. In certain circumstances such as the child not having attended school before special starting arrangements may be agreed. The child’s previous school is contacted for records. Where there are concerns the SENCO will be contacted by phone.


Arrangements for consulting with parents and children

The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers. We do so by:
  • Working effectively with all other agencies supporting children and their parents.
  • Giving parents and carers opportunities to play an active and valued role in their child’s education.
  • Making parents and carers feel welcome.
  • Encouraging parents and carers to inform school of any difficulties they perceive their child may be having or other needs the child may have which need addressing.
  • Instilling confidence that the school will listen and act appropriately.
  • Focusing on the child’s strengths as well as areas of additional need.
  • Allowing parents and carers opportunities to discuss ways in which they and the school can help their child.
  • Agreeing targets for all pupils, in particular, those not making expected progress and, for some pupils identified as having SEND, involving parents in drawing up and monitoring progress against these targets.
  • Keeping parents and carers informed and giving support during assessment and any related decision –making process.
  • Making parents and carers aware of the support services.
  • Providing all information in an accessible way.


Involvement of Pupils

At Gunness and Burringham Primary School, we recognise that all pupils have the right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choice.  In most lessons, all pupils are involved in monitoring and reviewing their progress through the use of self- assessing or peer assessing against success criteria and targets and using green pen to edit and improve their learning.  We endeavour to fully involve all pupils by encouraging them to:

  • State their views about their education and learning.
  • Identify their needs and learn about learning.
  • Share in individual target setting across the curriculum so that they know what their targets are and why they have them.
  • Self-review their progress and set new targets.
  • Monitor their success at achieving the targets on their Pupil Passports.
  • Where possible and appropriate, pupils can attend part of their Annual Review Meetings to have their voice heard.


Involvement of Professionals

At times it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies to receive their more specialised expertise. The agencies used by the school include:


  • Child Protection Advisors
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Complex Needs Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Team
  • Children’s Complex Needs Service, SEN, Statutory Assessment and Provision Service
  • CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • AAP (Attendance Advisory Practitioner previously known as Educational Welfare Officers)
  • Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DAHIT)
  • Visual Impairment Team (VIT)
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Renew (Targeted Mental Health in Schools or TaMHS Project)
  • Paediatricians
  • School Nurse
  • Epilepsy Nurse
  • Social Services


An Educational Psychologist is allocated to each school. He or she would normally only work directly with pupils who have needs that are felt to be quite considerable and have not responded well to the interventions previously put in place for them. This involvement is generally planned at the In School Review. These are meetings held twice a year between school staff and where appropriate, other professionals. The aim of an In School Review is to gain an understanding of and try to resolve a pupil’s difficulties. In order to help understand the pupil’s educational needs better, the psychologist will generally meet with the parent and give feedback after the assessment has been completed. He or she will offer advice to the school and parent/carers on how to best support the pupil in order to take their learning forward.


What training and expertise do staff have in school to work with children with Special Educational Needs?

All staff have received training related to SEND. These have included sessions on:

  • Phonics
  • Good to Outstanding teaching
  • Speech and Language Therapy Interventions- Colourful Semantics
  • Team Teach Positive Handling Techniques
  • Lego Therapy
  • ASD
  • Reading Recovery


The school also has some teaching assistants who have received training enabling them to deliver more specialist support.


Miss Haworth attends SENCO Network meetings every term and has completed the following courses:

  • National Award for SEN Leadership
  • Team Teach
  • Reading Recovery Training


All members of staff working directly with children and young people with SEND will have, or will be supported to develop, enhance their skills to meet the learning and cognition needs or any other needs related to that of the child. Staff wishing to gain specialist skills and knowledge will be supported to do so. 


What equipment and facilities does your school have?

  • Sensory room – a created space that provides multi-sensory resources to support a child’s sensory needs to enable them to engage in learning
  • Specific resources and programmes to support children with difficulties in maths and English
  • Sensory toys and resources to support emotional regulation to enable children to engage in learning
  • Ear defenders to support children who struggle with noise
  • Equipment to support children’s fine and gross motor skills

SEND Information Report 2024
