
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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Our Value for this half term is Resilience.

Collective Worship

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"May Peace be with you

     and also with you..."


Monday is our first Collective Worship of the week. We gather as a family and introduce our value for the week. We share a biblical story and reflect on the best way to enact and share our value.


Tuesday is our family Choral Worship. We learn new songs and rejoice in the joy of music.


Wednesday is our Reflect and Respond Gathering. This is an opportunity for us to reflect, debate and discuss current events of the world.


Thursday is our Working Worship, we actively revisit the value and the message of the story.


Friday is our Celebration Event and is led by The Worship Council. We celebrate the wonders of the week, not just our pupils but any achievements of families or staff. We believe that everybody should have the chance to share their achievements and celebrate. We look forward, as a family to all that lies ahead.    





Meet the Worship Councillors...



These children will work closely with Mrs Eastwood to lead elements of our Collective Worships, they  write prayers, share Big Questions and will be the voice and the reason of the children within the school. They will also develop a strong working relationship with reverend David Swannick to shape and further develop our Collective Worship


Picture News


We love our Respect and Respond Collective Worships and are getting very good at finding our voices to respond in a respectful and thoughtful way...



Preparing for Easter


During the period of Lent our collective worship will allow us to reflect on Jesus' suffering in the desert and help us prepare for Easter. We will be creating an Easter tree together to show the key themes of Lent. The themes that we will be exploring are:

  • Ash Wednesday
  • Mothering Sunday
  • Palm Sunday
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Good Friday 
  • Easter Day


Advent - A time of waiting...


We took some time out from the hustle and bustle of school life and spend time reflecting on times past and times to come.












