
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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Our Value for this half term is Hope


"Without music life would be a mistake"

Friedich Nietzsche





At Gunness and Burringham C of E Primary School we endeavour to make Music an enjoyable learning experience where inclusion is at the forefront of learning and all children are given the opportunity to learn together whilst giving them the skills to succeed in Music in the future. 


We aim to offer children the opportunities to engage in many musical experiences throughout their time at Gunness and Burringham including musical choirs, performances, nativities and after school clubs. 


In our Music lessons, we experience the joy of taking part and we recognise that music can play a key role in promoting resilience, well-being and mental health. 






Music is a vibrant and exciting subject at our school and one  which we are incredibly passionate about. To provide children with an excellent Music Curriculum use The  Charanga Musical School programme, this allows the children to develop their knowledge, make musical judgements, apply their new learning, develop their aural memory, express themselves physically, emotionally and through discussion, and create their own musical ideas. The core resources have been developed specifically to be inclusive; developing wisdom, motivating and capturing each child's personal interest. Our children not only learn about Music; they become musicians who are able to share and perform using their new skills.


We have developed a highly detailed Music Progression of Skills and Knowledge document which has been carefully broken down into the different strands of Music across the necessary year groups.

This ensures that children in each phase are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their Music learning journey in our school.


Music is taught on a weekly basis to build on and support children’s meta-cognition and their working memory and to further develop their love of music.


We are a singing school and encourage whole school singing in worship and assemblies.








Music and EYFS:

Children start their Music learning journey as soon as they enter our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Using Development Matters (July, 2021), we have carefully mapped out the updated objectives which ensures children are continually focused on working the Expressive Arts and Design section of the Development Matters document. Our children begin to develop their music vocabulary, knowledge and wisdom from the very start of their education. Our aim is to ensure that children are ready to progress in Music when they continue their learning journey in KS1 and beyond.





Music One Page Profile

Music Policy

Music home learning
