
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

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Our Value for this half term is Resilience.

Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3 and Year 4.





Hello and welcome to our class page. 


This half term our Christian value is Resilience and our daily collective worship will focus on this value.


This term our Geography topic is 'Why are rain forests important to us?' Our learning will see us explore South American, Brazil and the Amazon Rain forest. We will explore human and physical features, locate these places on maps, understand what a rain forest is, learn about who lives there and why they are important. In July, we will take a trip to Tropical World in Leeds to experience a rain forest environment in person. We will then undertake a workshop where we will compare a rain forest with our native woodland. We will see the plants and animals in a rain forest and desert habitat which links to our science learning this term. 


In English we will be reading the book 'The Exporer' and using this text in our reading lessons. We will also read The Great Kapok Tree, The Tin Forest and use the video 'Rite of Passage' to inspire our writing. 


In mathematics, year 3 and 4 will be extending their learning in fractions with year 4 moving on decimals before both year groups learn about measurement, statistics and geometry. 


In RE we will be exploring the big question, 'What does it mean to live a 'good' life?' To answer this we will explore texts from Christianity, Islam and humanism, before exploring how these different religions live their beliefs. 


In Science will be learning about plants, living things and habitats. 


Our PE sessions this term will be on a Tuesday from the 23rd April when we will walk to Gunness field to provide us with more space for athletics and net and wall games. From the 17th May we will start swimming lessons at the Axholme leisure centre. 


For homework, the children need to practise their times tables on TTRS at least 3 times per week and practise their spellings on Spelling Frame 3 times a week. In addition, the children will need to read 3 times per week (any book) and have their reading records signed. There are chances each week to win a golden ticket where children can have hot chocolate, cookies and share a good book!














Welcome Booklets

Year 3 & 4 Long Term Plan
