
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Equality

Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3 and Year 4.





Hello and welcome to our class page. 


This half term our Christian value is Equality and our daily collective worship will focus on this value.


This term our Geography topic is mountains. We will be learning about the features of mountains before learning how to locate mountains in the UK and around the World. We will be using atlases, OS maps and exploring how these are used to represent the physical features of the land. We will learn about the tallest mountains in the UK, the counties and closest cities of where they are located. We will learn about mountain ranges and the human and physical features of those areas. 


In English, we will be reading the book, 'The Flood' and completing some narratives. We are going to be reading Kensuke's Kingdom in our afternoon session and for guided reading lessons. This term we are also going to be reading and rehearsing lots of poems to read aloud, in order to improve our reading fluency. 


In maths, both Year 3 and Year 4 will be continuing their learning on multiplication and division. Towards the end of term, both year groups will be moving onto length and perimeter. 


In RE, we have a focus on Community, exploring what Christians believe and how they worship as a community. We will learn about different denominations of Christianity, including Catholicism, Anglican and Methodist. 


In Science will be learning about States of Matter. We will be investigating whether materials are solids, liquids or gases. 


Our PE sessions this term will be on a Friday. We will be learning about Orienteering for half the session - reading maps and making our way around the school grounds. For the 2nd lesson, we will be working on our Interpretive Dance. 


For homework, the children need to practise their times tables on TTRS at least 3 times per week and practise their spellings on Spelling Frame 3 times a week. In addition, the children will need to read 3 times per week (any book) and have their reading records signed. There are chances each week to win a golden ticket where children can have hot chocolate, cookies and share a good book!














Year 3 & 4 Long Term Plan
