
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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Our Value for this half term is Resilience.

Year 1/2

Welcome to Year 1/2 Class Page!



We will share with you our learning journey on this page.  You can also find useful links to websites and access homework and video clips which may help children extend their learning.



Summer Term Overview

Our value for this half term is Friendship and children will be encouraged to reflect on this value during daily Collective Worship.



This term in Science we will be learning all about Plants. You will learn all about seeds, the different parts of plants and understand the importance of environmental factors which help plants grow and survive. You will learn all this through a range of exploration opportunities, research and experiments which will encourage you to think scientifically in each lesson. In addition, in each lesson we will explore a range of career opportunities which are linked to our topic.



In English, the children will be writing for a range of different purposes. We will be expanding our understanding of a wide range of punctuation and grammatical features. We will learn to write poems, descriptive paragraphs and stories together.



In History, we will be focusing on homes. We will learn how to recognise and describe different types of homes, describe different materials which were used to build houses in the past and present and through a wide range of primary and secondary resources explore and discover how homes/jobs within homes have changed over the years. 




In mathematics, both year 1 and 2 will building upon their current knowledge. In Year 1, we will be learning all about multiplication and division and also begin our journey, learning all about fractions. In summer 2, we will also learn about time, measurement & money. We will learn through a wide range of fun, engaging practical activities together.

In Year 2, we will be broaden our understanding understanding of multiplication and division and learn about fractions. In Summer 2, we will be also learning about time, measurement & statistics. We will learn together through a range of practical, pictorial and abstract methods. 



PE: This will take place every Thursday . Children are welcome to come to school in their PE kit. This term we will be focusing on Net/wall games.




Throughout KS1, the children will learn the skills to become great readers through Read Write Inc sessions each morning. They will build upon what has already been taught in Foundation, including how to decode, segment and blend words. These skills will help them in English lessons. The children are encouraged to use their knowledge of phonics to help them when spelling/writing words. To assist with this, there are a range of resources within the classroom, including sound mats, to support them.






Along with daily RWI and English lessons, we have a daily Maths lesson which once again builds on their knowledge of number from Foundation and introduces a range of mathematical concepts that the children will need to know before moving into KS2. As all children learn in different ways, there are a range of resources and concrete materials to support the children with this. 






Afternoons consist of a range of  subjects, including Religious Education, Personal Social Health Citizenship and Education, Computing, Geography, History, Art, Design & Technology and Physical Education.



Learning together at home:

There is an expectation that children read, access spelling and "Numbots" at least 3 times a week. Occasionally, children can also participate in whole class or whole school projects linking to school learning. 



I hope that you find all of this information helpful and I look forward to sharing our class journey with you throughout the year.


Miss Taylor



Yearly Overview:


