
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Hope

Physical Education



"Just keep going. Everybody gets better if you stick at it"

Ted Williams




At Gunness and Burringham Church of England Primary School we enthuse and inspire our children to participate fully and develop a life-long love of physical activity, sport and exercise whilst developing resilience and valuing inclusion. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum with wisdom, clear progression and opportunities to consolidate the fundamentals of movements that will benefit all children and equip them with the key knowledge and skills in 6 main areas of learning: net and wall games, dance, invasion games, gymnastics. athletics and striking and fielding.


Our curriculum enables children to understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and equips them with the tools to do so through health and wellbeing education. Personal development will also be enhanced through our PE curriculum by promoting team work, resilience, leadership, motivation and creativity. 





Our high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.


Physical development within the Foundation Stage is fundamental and is the starting point for a healthy life and mindset. Children are given many opportunities to develop their growth and fine motor skills both indoors and outdoors. Children have ongoing access to an outside area where they are encouraged to work on a "large Scale" developing dexterity and strength. In addition to ongoing provision, children also participate in a PE session weekly, where children are given opportunities to develop their spatial awareness and are introduced to basic skills. 


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that: ‘all pupils develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities and are physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.


We believe in and actively plan to provide a high quality PESSPA offer to all of our children. 



High quality Physical Education is provided for every child for two hours a week, children have the opportunity to work with skilled teachers and external sports experts. Children will engage in many strands of PE and will be taught Gym, Games and Dance following a sequential and progressive model allowing opportunities for children to consolidate and perfect skills, applying them to games and competitive elements. 


Children at Gunness and Burringham have additional opportunity to work with the Iron Foundation, a sports trust that links Scunthorpe United FC with the local community. This allows children to develop competitive opportunities and sporting experiences both within PE lessons and at after school clubs. 

We have developed a link with Axholme Academy, our local secondary feeder school. We engage with a small selection of cluster schools in competitions, allowing children the opportunity to compete.





Our Oath


"We, at G&B, will work hard to develop our passion, wisdom and skill

to allow us the best opportunities to flourish.

We will work hard, play hard, encourage hard

and congratulate with dignity and pride"





We have been awarded the PE Games Gold Award...



Children at school have a wide variety of skills in a range of sports; they have motivation to win and resilience. Children have a sound understanding of healthy lifestyle and are aware of healthy choices and how to make them


"I love all of PE, the gym, the dance and the game. I feel that I get better each time and if I find something really hard I keep trying"

Year 5 boy.


"I like breakfast Club because we have croissant but I have fruit with it so that it's balanced and healthy"

Year 3 boy


"Get Glowing was ace, I've never done it before but it was all the games and bits that we have done but all glow in the dark - amazing!"

Year 4 girl








Football Team at Scunthorpe United

KS1 Athletics Highlights

Our Table Tennis Squad


Our Cross Country Squad

Our Dodgeball Squad...


Get Glowing




KS2 Netball Squad



Fluorescent Fun Team



PE at G&B...












National Curriculum

PE Policy
