
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Equality

Lunchtimes & Snack

Lunchtime Menu 28th October 2024 - 31st March 2025



We love lunch!! 


At Gunness and Burringham we really enjoy our lunchtimes, it is a time to sit in the hall, or on picnic blankets outside if the weather is kind to us!


Children have the opportunity to choose a school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home. We are a healthy school and so we actively encourage a healthy lunch and ask that fizzy drinks or cans are not packed in lunch boxes.  We also kindly request that any snacks brought into school for morning break are fruit, vegetable or cereal bars only.  Supplies of fruit are readily available for all children in the corridor to help themselves to.  Children who stay for a hot school lunch have the choice from two hot meals or alternatively have the choice of sandwiches or jacket potatoes - these are available daily.


We are a cashless school and all meals need to be paid for via ParentPay.  You will be provided with access when you join the school.


Please use the following link for the website: -




What our pupil say: -


"I love sitting with my friends, we just eat and chat- it's a great time of the day"

Year 5


"The dinners are really good, especially fish and chip Friday!" 

Year 3


"I like it when we can sit outside and eat our packed lunches, that's really good"

Year 4


"The biscuits are really nice, just like what my nanna makes!"

Year 2


DofE Free School meals Q&A's for Parents and Carer's

The school has a healthy eating policy that is freely available to parents on request.
