
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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Our Value for this half term is Resilience.

Year 5/6

Welcome to Years 5 & 6



Hello and welcome to our class page.


This half term our Christian value is Friendship and our daily collective worship will focus on this value.


This half term in English, the children will be developing their descriptive writing techniques, consolidating previously taught grammatical features as well as deepening their understanding of complex sentences. Our whole class text is 'Holes,' and our writing will link to our text as well as our science topic on space.  We will also be writing  our own character and setting descriptions, adventure stories, narrative poems and newspaper reports.  


In mathematics,  Year 5 will begin by exploring perimeter and area, graphs and tables and then we will be exploring properties of shape and position and direction. Year 6 will be exploring volume, statistics and properties of shape. 


In Science, we will be learning about Earth and Space. The children will be learning the order of the planets and their features as well as developing their understanding of the heliocentric model of our solar system. We will be learning how about the Earth's movements in space, the movement of the moon in relation to the Earth and explore the Earth's rotation in order to explain night and day.


This half term we will be having a History focus. The children will be exploring the question 'What is crime and punishment?' and what crime and punishment was like at different points in history. Our work in history will link to previous learning about Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Victorians. 


In RE, we will be exploring exploring and analysing artistic representations. We will be exploring sculpture, paintings, music and drama, and discussing why and how these are important in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Humanism. 


We shall have PE on a Tuesday afternoon; children will be able to come in their PE kits on this day. If there is any change to this, you will be notified by Seesaw. 


In addition to this, children will need to read 3 times per week and have their reading records signed.

Activities will also be set on TTRS.

In order to aid transition, year 6 children will be set Maths and English homework tasks on seesaw each week.              








Year 5/6 Overview

Welcome Booklets
