
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Equality


"You can travel the seas, poles and deserts and see nothing. To really understand the world, you need to get under the skin of the people and places. In other words, learn about geography. I can’t imagine a subject more relevant in schools. We’d all be lost without it.’ Michael Palin






Our geography curriculum ensures that children develop wisdom and knowledge. Our high-quality geography education aims to provide pupils with a curiosity and fascination about the world. Children develop knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. Children use a range of geographical skills to further develop their wisdom. Our geography curriculum is inclusive, and children learn about a range of significant geographical figures and geographical events.  We aim for children to develop their wisdom further by visiting places of geographical interest, using a range of geographical sources, and developing their skills when taking part in fieldwork activities. Children become resilient learners who are able to ask and answer appropriate questions.



At Gunness and Burringham C.E Primary we follow The National Curriculum for geography.


The National Curriculum for geography aims to ensure that all pupils: ‘develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes; understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time; are competent in the geographical skills needed to: collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes; interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS); communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.’


Lessons are well sequenced, sequential and build on previous knowledge and skills to allow children to apply their own knowledge and wisdom in a range of creative and inspiring ways.

Each classroom displays a globe and a world map, which are referred to regularly and allow children to make appropriate links.

The inclusive curriculum, exposes children to significant geographical figures and events.



By the time children leave Gunness and Burringham C.E Primary they will have a secure understanding of the human and physical features of locations studied. They will have strong knowledge of the local area and be able to confidently locate other countries and cities around the world. Children will be able to engage with maps, globes and other geographical resources. They will have the wisdom to ask and answer challenging questions.



Our thoughts about Geography


"It will help us in the future because some of us want a job where we have to travel and we need to know where we are going." Ella


"I learnt lots about the weather." Darcie


"I didn't know a lot about countries but it has helped been learn a lot about them.

I really like geography." Harry


"I like geography because you can explore the world without visiting all the places." Eden 


Say hello in different languages




Our Golden Threads


Our geography curriculum is driven by four golden threads that provide a framework for learning and help to deepen the children’s understanding of what is being taught. These threads are revisited within and across year groups so that children can build upon their existing knowledge.

Golden Thread 1 – Location

Making links between locations previously taught. Locate continents, oceans, regions, countries and cities. Use and interpret a variety of maps. Identify position, weather/ climate of different locations. 

Golden Thread 2 – Diversity

Understanding geographical similarities and differences through the study of  human and physical geography of the local area and other areas around the world. Exploring how people and places are different and diverse, even across one country or continent.

Golden Thread 3 – Relationships

The difference between human and physical geography and their key features. How physical features impact the lives of people (e.g. Settlement and factors that influence it), How people impact on the physical environment around them. Identifying cause, impact and response.

Golden Thread 4- Our local area

Make geographical links to our local area.

Geography knowledge and skills progression

Geography Policy

Curriculum Overview (From September 2021)

Geography Fieldwork Progression

Geography Review Series

As part of our Jubilee celebrations all the children went on a walk to find the scarecrows in the local area. The children were able to make and follow their own maps. Foundation Stage used Bee Bots to show their route and KS1 worked together to create a map of their route. KS2 used maps to locate the scarecrows and then used grid references to identify the position of the scarecrows they found. Years 3 and 4 focused on 4-figure grid references and Years 5 and 6 looked at 6-figure grid references. 

Our Scarecrow Walk

Years 3 and 4 went on a visit to Austerfield Study Centre to find out more about rivers. The children enjoyed finding out about the different features of a river and were able to build their own rivers. 

Visit to Austerfield Study Centre.

To begin their unit on rivers Years 3 and 4 walked to look at the local river. The children enjoyed spotting human and physical features of the river.

Our walk to the river.

Year 3/4 Plastic Pollution
