The Big Question session is the time that we discuss all of those really big questions, those questions where right and wrong does not really apply and the answers require much deeper thinking and reasoning.
"What is identity?"
"What makes a community?"
"Is it important to make sacrifices?"
"Can kindness change the world?"
"What makes life meaningful?"
Each class has their own Big Question Floorbook and their developing ideas are shared weekly. Children are introduced to a piece of biblical text or proverb to further promote meaningful conversations, following discussions with friends and teachers children share their own ideas.
This further promotes our belief that children should have regular opportunity to develop their religious literacy and further embed the three key principles of balanced religious education; Philosophy, Theology and Human and Social Science.
"I find it interesting when we discuss our opinions with our partner"
" I am enjoying how much I get to use my thoughts and ideas "
"I enjoyed investigating deeper into Jesus's history and how amazing and powerful he was"
The overarching aim of The Big Question is to encourage the children to engage in religious and philosophical questions in a way that is relevant to their lives. Children are encouraged to use debating and critical thinking skills to allow them to speak positively and confidently about issues that they have an opinion on.