
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Hope

Foundation Stage

Welcome to Foundation




Hello and welcome to our class page!


Our Christian value this half term is Hope and in our Collective Worship will teach the children the importance of this.


Please see Seesaw for weekly updates sent out to you on a Friday about what we will be learning. This will follow our interests and activities and will be a mix of adult led and child initiated play.                                          

This half term we will be spending lots of time getting to know our new children as we learn together and settle into our new classroom and school life. To help us to do this we will be using the text 'Our class is a family' to help us to recognise how important caring for one another is and how we will have such brilliant adventures throughout our school year.

We will be thinking all about our own families too and how we have changed over time from being babies to now being at big school!


We will be learning all about colours and feelings using the text 'The Colour Monster' the children will be linking the text to their own real life experiences and we will be doing lots of cross curricular activities and learning using this book. 




Our children will be spending their time in continuous provision getting used to all the excellent and inviting areas of our provision both indooor and out!


We like to challenge our children at G&B and ensure they have engaging spaces for them to take risks in, therefore this half term we will be writing risk assessments for our large equipment, step ladders, tool bench and the toaster!


Autumn 1!

In RE this term we will be focusing on 'Myself' we will be discussing how we have changed from being a baby and then how important the people around us are, we will be then looking at the two main religions we will learn about in Foundation, Christianity and Islam. 





In Foundation we will be beginning our daily phonics lessons using 'Read, Write, Inc'. This will be done as a whole class and the children will have opportunity to practice their new sounds during the lesson alongside some gross motor activities too. 

The new sound will be sent home each day in a sound book for you to practice together at home. 



In Maths we will be doing short,  sessions of practical maths. We follow the White Rose Maths Curriculum and enhance it using Master the Curriculum to plan engaging and hands on sessions for all our pupils.


Our maths lessons include high quality vocabulary which is modelled at the beginning of each lesson and throughout to help our children to think like mathematicians and challenge them where needed. The children then move into the provision where they are engaged in exciting and challenging maths activities in the provision both indoor and outdoor. 



- Snack is available for all Foundation Stage children in the Foundation classroom.

Please bring in  £1 weekly to help us provide a variety of healthy foods for your child to try


-Children need to read to an adult at home 3 times per week and have their reading records signed.


- Weekly announcements and home learning challenges are sent out via Seesaw (our online learning platform)


- PE for our Foundation Stage children will be on a Monday afternoon. PE kits must be worn all day on our PE day. 


Miss Harrison & Mrs Guilfoyle

Welcome to Foundation 2024/2025

Take a look at some of the wonderful photos below of the experiences and learning that took place last year!

Foundation long term plan

Autumn 1 our first half term in Foundation!

A visit from a real life Beekeeper!

Lifecycles! From egg to chick!

Fun in Foundation
