
Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School

Learning Together

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10. Our Value for this half term is Equality



"Writing floats on a sea of talk..."

James Britton



English has a pre-eminent place in education and in society. A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others, and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society; pupils who do not learn to speak, read and write fluently and confidently are effectively disenfranchised.



Our Intent:

We intend for all pupils to experience an inclusive, inspiring, language-rich and motivational English environment where our children develop wisdom and become resilient learners who flourish in their deep understanding of the subject. We aim to foster a love of books and reading where high quality books are a central part to all areas of the curriculum and classrooms. We aim to create a positive culture of purposeful writing, for a variety of purposes and audiences and across all subjects within our broad curriculum. 


We intension is that  every child will thrive in their reading and writing and will leave our care as able and independent communicators, with the confidence, wisdom and resilience required to read and write fluently. They will have a love for reading and will have developed a good range of comprehension skills. They will understand how English is embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and will be important in their future. They will be thoroughly prepared in all aspects of English and fully equipped for the next step in their educational journey.



Our youngest children will begin their early reading through the delivery of the Read, Write, Inc program giving them the foundational knowledge needed to confidently segment, decode and build words. All staff who teach phonics follow a consistent structure and teaching sequence: new sound, speedy sound green words, special friend, Fred talk, say the word, writing words, green and red words linked to the book, reading book, comprehension, and have received specific training in the delivery of the program.


We ensure that children’s reading books match their phonic ability by using R,W, Inc book bag books in EYFS and year one which ensures fidelity to the scheme. Formal assessments in reading are carried out half - termly and staff regularly listen to children read in order to ensure that their books remain at an instructional level. Staff have regular discussions, moving children quickly to ensure they remain challenged. The whole school uses a banded book scheme.


In KS1 and KS2, through Whole Class Reading and the use of key texts across the curriculum, all pupils are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide variety of texts from a range of cultures linked to our learning across the curriculum. Through shared texts and explicit teaching, children experience a wide range of vocabulary, giving them the understanding and power of language that they need to flourish as well as being able to communicate clearly as a writer. All children understand the importance of reading to learn, not just learning to read. 


Any SEND children,the lowest 20% and children who are below expected or not making the expected progress also receive further support through interventions linked to their specific needs (such as phonics, fluency, comprehension). Class teachers organise and are in charge of the interventions for their class and ensure that they are being carried out and are effective. Interventions are then monitored by the SLT and the SENCO. Intervention groups are assessed and monitored termly. Intervention groups are kept to small numbers currently varying between 1:1 and a group of 6. Children who are identified as above expected are also identified on the interventions in order to ensure they are challenged. Greater Depth children in year 6 have access to texts, authors and genres they will be exploring at Secondary School. 


Staff are supported by the English Lead through internal CPD (staff meetings, discussions, drop-ins), visits to other schools, support from the English Hub as well as phonics training. 


All teachers read to their class daily and check children are reading at least three times a week at home on a weekly basis. Any child not reading at home, reads in school and discussions are had with parents/carers about the importance of frequent reading.


Reading is celebrated weekly in the celebration assembly with Golden Tickets, hot chocolates and biscuits. 







Our reading scheme in EYFS and KS1 ensures that the books children are reading at home match with their phonic ability and reading level. Teachers also read daily with the children to nurture and cultivate a love of reading.


In KS1, teachers use an adapted version of the whole class teaching used in KS2 which takes into account children's stage of development to ensure that children get additional opportunity to independently apply skills taught in the phonic sessions and build confidence in reading age appropriate and challenging texts, including SEND. This is progressive throughout the year, with the view that in the Summer term, children in year 2 will transition onto the same KS2 whole class reading structure, this ensures that they are best equipped to move into their next phase of learning.

Day 1 - children are given time to read for pleasure. Day 2 -  children explore a whole class novel: including a vocabulary check and reading to decode. Day 3 - children continue working on their whole class novel: focusing on reading fluency, automaticity, quick quiz (oral). Day 4 - Focus on Reading comprehension (oral). Day 5 - non-fiction (one text over 3 weeks. Week 1 - decode, week 2- oral comprehension, week 3 - written comprehension). 

Year 1 children focus on book talk and oral comprehension with adults scribing answers in a class floor-book. Children spend approximately 2 weeks on a book to build a deeper understanding.



A consistent structure to teaching writing has been established and shared with staff and the long-term plan has been updated to ensure a range of text types are being covered within and across year groups. Grammar skills are being taught at the beginning of every English lesson and is then used within the main part of the lesson to help deepen the children’s grammatical knowledge. Children are given time to explore a text type, practise using the features of the text type before creating a piece of writing independently.




Our English curriculum is delivered with the support of the Read, Write, Inc Phonics Program, Spelling Frame and strategies from Jane Considine’s Approach to writing. These schemes support teachers to deliver well-structured and exciting learning opportunities that enable our children to learn, revisit and progressively develop their skills in English at an age-appropriate level whilst building on their resilience.

Long-term plans for reading, writing and spelling have been developed which link key texts to writing units and the wider curriculum themes. These plans ensure a diverse range of authors, text types and genres are being explored and taught, ensuring that skills are revisited regularly to promote a deeper retention of knowledge and to ensure children feel confident with building their understanding in order to progress to the next stage. These plans are constantly monitored and assessed.   English Long Term Plan   Reading Progression   Reading Correlation    Grammar Progression

Progression documents for reading and writing have been created to ensure there is clear progression of knowledge within and across year groups.                                

Children are selected weekly for their efforts with specific focus on English and this is shared with parents and the whole school. 


Through evaluation of work in children’s books at Gunness and Burringham C of E Primary School, it is clear to see the high quality of writing throughout the school. Children are resilient and able to confidently talk about their work in English lessons and can apply age-appropriate skills and knowledge in their work. They are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes, showing both perseverance and resilience in English learning.


Children’s English knowledge is well-embedded as the children  are able to apply this wisdom into other curriculum areas.

All children read regularly in school and the majority of children read at least three times a week at home. There are good levels of communication with parents and carers and regular conversations are had to keep parents informed. Parents are quickly contacted for any child not reading regularly at home and these children are monitored and listened to in school. 


English One Page Profile 2023-2024
